The uncomplicated pleasure of watching the dragon soar and dive so gracefully did a great deal to ease Laurence's mind.
Instead he made love to her man to woman, taking pleasure in giving simple, uncomplicated human pleasure.
Stevenson was right: a long drive has the sweet, uncomplicated pleasure of anticipation, while our destination often turns out to be the least interesting aspect of a trip.
Summer should be a time of uncomplicated pleasures - of laughter, of ancient games of egg-throwing and mangonels.
It provides an uncomplicated pleasure, and one that's been underexplored.
Lewis takes uncomplicated pleasure in the rewards his career has brought.
Her uncomplicated pleasure did a little, though not nearly enough, to ease his tension.
It was a moment of freedom, of uncomplicated pleasure, the sweeter for its briefest finity.
Throughout this one-hour musical for children, the bright clarity of these young voices is a pure, uncomplicated pleasure.
It is an uncomplicated pleasure, one he pursues almost absently most summers.