Most importantly, prospective teachers must demonstrate their uncompromising commitment to Achievement First's mission: to deliver on the promise of equal educational opportunity for all of America's children.
And, thanks to their uncompromising commitment to the highest quality and service standards, Forte's famous roadside names are growing fast.
To witness the decline in quality that results from an uncompromising commitment to a time-based release cycle, one need look no further than the latest version of Ubuntu.
Although Gregory was reviled in certain quarters for effectively holding a government to ransom, his uncompromising commitment to the poor was widely admired.
The LCF claims that in its 150 years of activity it has impacted both individual lives and the wider legal landscape through an uncompromising commitment to the Bible's teaching.
Bacon showed an uncompromising commitment to experimentation.
As our fraternity perpetually grows, our underlining goals continue to be the devotion to our chapters and an uncompromising commitment to brotherhood.
It is an uncompromising commitment to quality and style.
But in his equally zealous and uncompromising commitment to philanthropy, Hodgkin antagonized the hospital's autocratic long-time chief executive, who blocked his promotion in 1837.
Jay had an unwavering loyalty to the School and uncompromising commitment to excellence.