But it had the same nice, ugly, uncompromising lines.
For the first time, this took an uncompromising line; there was no more talk of limiting the damage.
She backed away from him, jaw set, her mouth pressed into an uncompromising line.
She looked at me, her eyes narrowed, her mouth a thin, uncompromising line.
His mouth was set in an uncompromising line.
His face set in uncompromising lines, Harry looked back at his team.
She slanted a glance at Harry to discover his face set 231 in uncompromising lines.
The gentle eyes became stern and glazed as if unwilling to see, the mouth set into an uncompromising line.
Werner's mouth with its narrow lips was set in a firm, uncompromising line.
Her jaw was set in that hard, uncompromising line Nikki had seen all too often.