Gehn loomed over him, his manner fierce, uncompromising.
He saw an elderly man and a portly black-haired woman with thick black eyebrows, a heavy nose, and an uncompromising manner.
However, he rejected in an uncompromising manner to join the coalition government after the 1961 general elections.
Wilson was famous for his uncompromising manner of play.
He did not enter through the doorway or any other opening in the wall but came in the uncompromising manner of a teleporter.
On one occasion, when he was "carved up" by a Carabinieri patrol car, he protested in his usual uncompromising manner.
He is notorious on set for his uncompromising and dictatorial manner, as well as his flaming temper.
Her literature is full of expressions of that intention, set forth in the boldest and haughtiest and most uncompromising manner.
Pisoni is known especially for two small cathedrals built in an uncompromising Italian manner that makes each of them stand out in its urban context.
Commissioner, I am pleased that you have started the negotiations with the Chinese Government in such an uncompromising manner.