On the tax issue, in contrast to the Social Security plan, Mr. Bush's biggest obstacle has little to do with uncompromising opposition by Democrats.
For years, foreigners and some Turkish intellectuals have been urging the military to reassess its uncompromising opposition to Kurdish nationalism.
Speakers recalled Miss Zetkin's uncompromising opposition to Nazism and her commitment to feminism.
He could... claim consistency in his uncompromising opposition to every nationalist, leftist, or Marxist regime on earth.
He is known for his uncompromising opposition to caste oppression in a region where the Dalit movement is feeble.
In brief, he became the symbol of uncompromising opposition, heroic resistance, and ultimate self-sacrifice.
He is well known for his uncompromising opposition to any form of discrimination whether it is racial, gender, age or sexual orientation.
Borah emerged as leader of the "Irreconcilables," a group of senators noted for their uncompromising opposition to the treaty and the League.
For five decades he personified uncompromising opposition to fascism and communism in Hungary in support of religious freedom.
Mr. Lasky was seen as a hero by his friends and intellectual allies for his fierce and uncompromising opposition to totalitarianism.