The editorial said, "What began as a military campaign, an expression of a new uncompromising policy, ended as an embarrassing quickie" and "an unprecedented shot in the foot with no accomplishments."
His fiery speeches and uncompromising foreign policy on such issues as Iran's nuclear program are causing the country to face possible sanctions.
And the Singapore Government is pointing to American public opinion as vindication for its uncompromising policy.
The reputation of Gaja evolved over the years as his uncompromising policy became established.
On Friday, a group of four members of Congress sent Mr. Fujimori a letter urging him to stick to his uncompromising policies toward guerrillas.
In our uncompromising policy we mean no harm to the common people of the Axis nations.
President Karimov's uncompromising policies have also at times created friction between Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries, and Uzbekistan has been wary of moves towards closer political integration.
Tsitsianov's rule in Georgia was characterised by his uncompromising policies towards the local peoples.
The tactic is to offer incentives of an economic or international nature, and to do this as a matter of clear, common and uncompromising European policy.
Both brothers had successful uncompromising policies in commerce, although they were permanently pledged into improving the design of their clocks too.