"Mayhap I erred," she said in an uncompromising tone.
"You're returning to Strathmore Castle at once," he said in an uncompromising tone.
'You surrender,' ordered the voice, magnified by a speaking-trumpet, in a disbelieving and uncompromising tone.
Mary had never before heard such a harsh, uncompromising tone in Mr Emmett's voice.
An admirable little note the lady's sent him in return, per Figaro here and there; she adopts a responsive yet uncompromising tone.
As he warmed to something familiar, his confidence returned and he ended with a polite, but uncompromising tone.
Mincham summarises the "uncompromising" tone of the statement "the time will come when your murderer will believe that he has done a service to God".
"You are human," he said in a quiet, uncompromising tone.
"No good," Bolan said in a firm, uncompromising tone.
The uncompromising tone is due partly to the background from which he emerged.