The maximum conditioning possible for an unconditioned stimulus in the Rescorla-Wagner model.
Recovery takes place even though there has not been any additional associations between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus.
Extinction refers to the loss of performance after a conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with an unconditioned stimulus.
"The conditioned stimulus is presented with the unconditioned stimulus".
In the second stage of the experiment, S2 is repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus so that it becomes a conditioned stimulus.
This compartment will become associated with the motivational effects of the unconditioned stimulus.
The environment will come to elicit approach or avoidance/withdrawal depending on the nature of the unconditioned stimulus.
The other is by giving them a small dose of the unconditioned stimulus.
In this experiment,the unconditioned stimulus is the dog food as it produces an unconditioned response, saliva.
He called the food the unconditioned stimulus (US) because its effect did not depend on previous experience.