There were unconfirmed stories of horror, of mass murder.
One unconfirmed story is that the names of the streets were derived from Robertson's female friends.
A yet unconfirmed story about him is his ship eventually rescued stranded survivors of the Pequod.
Details of Zilber's life in the end are controversial - unconfirmed story that during one hard winter he froze to death.
There are unconfirmed stories that he tore her face out of pictures.
There were numerous arrests and injuries, as well as unconfirmed stories of killings.
All day an unconfirmed story had circulated among Stuart's staff members.
So you've got a patch of snow and some unconfirmed story about an old guy falling.
There are many unconfirmed stories about Henderson.
Some unconfirmed stories have him working as a chauffeur for Claudette Colbert.