After it is released into the air, everyone falls asleep, except for the pilot, who is breathing uncontaminated air through a mask.
Their teacher, Maria Leonidovna Obrazova, has noticed a real difference in all the children, as well as herself, after just two weeks of uncontaminated air and food.
The compressor must be set up so that it gets uncontaminated air to the intake.
Francu appeared at one side, Tallaf at her other, both muttering about walking faster, "It's so good to breathe uncontaminated air.
Sweating profusely, weak to the brink of collapse, she stumped against the wall and gulped in deep breaths of uncontaminated air.
The hazmat suit generally includes breathing air supplies to provide clean, uncontaminated air for the wearer.
A scientist at the centre said that finding uncontaminated air in any of the three coffins would be the "Rosetta Stone of the atmosphere".
This mine here would give you and twenty of your friends or servants an ample supply of safe, easily breathable and uncontaminated air for a minimum period of eight months.
This period can be said to represent the origin of this delicious village, noted for its pure and uncontaminated air.
She drew a long breath and smelled sweet, uncontaminated air.