This lovely attraction is visited by a large number of tourists that enjoy the tranquil, shallow and uncontaminated waters from the river.
Blankenship did not offer to provide uncontaminated water to any of his neighbors.
This would facilitate availability of uncontaminated water for domestic, industrial and irrigation needs.
Another alternative is to do nothing, allowing the tritium to degrade gradually and be diluted by uncontaminated water.
A disaster of some type has occurred, of which the audience only knows that uncontaminated water is scarce and livestock have to be burned.
Only discharge clean, uncontaminated water to the surface water drainage system.
This was in the outside loop and boiled from uncontaminated water.
They have instead been managed to conserve the production of uncontaminated hot water for public use.
Eat only raw fruits and vegetables that you have washed in uncontaminated water and peeled yourself.
Some of these poor creatures would recover when moved to uncontaminated water elsewhere.