His eyes seemed to be popping out of his head in uncontrollable anger.
He waited as a feeling of uncontrollable anger rushed over him.
In one instance, she worked with a Westchester teacher who was experiencing uncontrollable anger in the classroom.
For an instant it seemed he might burst out in some new uprising of uncontrollable anger, that he was controlling himself only by supreme effort.
Anne flushed with a sudden and uncontrollable anger.
These accusations had aroused the uncontrollable anger of the group.
In a fit of uncontrollable anger he had broken into Phillipe's apartment and slaughtered the girl.
"In her uncontrollable anger she seized a chair and threw it at me."
The next day in their second recorded conservation, she referred to emotional problems, telling him about her "uncontrollable" anger.
He was on his feet, his face suffused with uncontrollable anger.