Their torches made wild bobbing paths of light in front of them as they left the silent, brooding bulk of Terror Castle and that awful, uncontrollable feeling of creeping, crawling fear.
Leontiy Lyulye, an expert on conditions in the Caucasus, wrote in the mid-19th century: "Among the mountain people the blood feud is not an uncontrollable permanent feeling such as the vendetta is among the Corsicans.
Jessica cried out in fright as strange, uncontrollable feelings of painful pleasure gripped her, clenching her insides in a vise.
For example, panic disorders cause sudden, uncontrollable feelings of terror, and obsessive compulsive disorders are characterized by repeated, unwanted thoughts that cause anxiety and ritualized actions that relieve that anxiety.
Her body had changed its shape, and she could cause unexpected, uncontrollable feelings and responses in their bodies just by walking by.
Sometimes an uncontrollable feeling of sadness grips us, he said.
When Dilek and Aydın meet, Aydın diverts his uncontrollable feelings toward Dilek.
That same uncontrollable feeling of dread curled back around her chest.
Additionally, it seems that as a result of the illness and their handicap, many ordinary people are easily prone to uncontrollable feelings of jealousy, resentment, and rage over their own impairments and the ability of others.
With an uncontrollable feeling of revulsion Pere saw that the man had soiled himself as he sat there.