The uncontrolled increase in the number of authors might be remediable to some extent by journals devising a collective policy.
This effect, the negative temperature coefficient, makes the reactor inherently resistant to "excursion", or a sudden, uncontrolled increase in temperature.
The uncontrolled increase of petrol vehicles such as buses, taxis, and private cars started choking the streets of Istanbul.
The uncontrolled increase of petrol fueled vehicles, like bus, taxicab, and private car started choking the streets.
Without FGD, rapid growth in electricity use led to an uncontrolled increase in emissions of sulphur dioxide.
Inhibition of this enzyme causes an uncontrolled increase in the acetylcholine neurotransmitter, muscular paralysis and then death.
K-140, 1968, reactor damaged following an uncontrolled, automatic increase in power during shipyard work.
An uncontrolled increase in the use of fossil fuel vehicles like buses, taxi, and private cars started choking the streets of Istanbul.
"Finally, after a decade of uncontrolled increases, we're beginning to see rate reduction," she said.
Although calcium flowing into cells is a normal event, the uncontrolled increase of calcium causes the cell to degenerate.