Formula feeding - an uncontrolled trial?
The ratio of patients entering controlled to uncontrolled trials should be sharply reversed.
On the contrary, evidence indicates that disease specific survival rates quoted in uncontrolled trials cannot be interpreted as evidence of therapeutic benefit.
Data here showed its drug Telcyta had impressive effectiveness against ovarian and lung cancer when combined with chemotherapy in small, uncontrolled trials.
Indeed, an uncontrolled trial of thymectomy in patients with ulcerative colitis resistant to conventional treatment has been reported to increase duration of remission.
Survival rates from 50-70 percent have been reported in observational and uncontrolled clinical trials.
Zonisamide showed promise in an overview of controlled and uncontrolled trials conducted in Japan.
Phase 3 studies are expanded controlled and uncontrolled trials.
Dramatic results in uncontrolled trials might also be regarded as this type of evidence.
Another uncontrolled trial showed it reduced tremor by a mild to moderate degree during morphine withdrawal in rats.