Worldwide, the International Energy Agency believes it, and other unconventional gas, could supply the world's needs for 250 years at present consumption levels.
It also adds to the geological knowledge of Alberta's unconventional gas and coal resources.
By 2008 the Marcellus Formation had become the focus of unconventional natural gas or shale gas prospectors.
And he encouraged the development of alternative sources of fuel, including coal, oil shale, unconventional gas and the sun.
Expand in promising growth areas such as the US, where downstream markets will benefit from the supply of unconventional gas.
The resulting enterprise led to the discovery in 1904 of the Medicine Hat gas sand, which is now recognized as a source of unconventional gas.
The federal government further incentivized drilling in shale via the Section 29 tax credit for unconventional gas from 1980-2000.
From 1980-2000, shale gas drillers benefited from the federal Section 29 tax credit for unconventional gas.
Leor Energy is a Houston-based natural gas exploration company focused primarily on unconventional gas in North America.
You have referred to the fact that prices are falling because of the large supplies of unconventional gas coming from the USA.