Her work will at times intertwine religious and mythical motifs with unconventional interpretations.
Langdon's latest manuscript, which "proposed some very unconventional interpretations of established religious iconography which would certainly be controversial," is definitely germane.
Another, more unconventional interpretation of Nozick's critique is represented by Jean Hampton.
Many organists, however, have strongly criticized Fox for his unconventional interpretations of classical organ music.
Many of his unconventional interpretations and etymologies are dismissed by classicists, but have provoked more research into the topics he raised.
He was noted for his controversial and unconventional interpretation of Islam based on Quran and Hadeeth.
Though young, he has already shaken up the British theater world with some unconventional interpretations.
Perhaps the most unconventional interpretation has been put forward by Patrician Anderson.
From early on Hurm knew how to lead the viewer's eye through his paintings by his unconventional interpretation of proportions.
That is an unconventional interpretation of Surak.