What happened, Arreguín-Toft wondered, when the underdogs likewise acknowledged their weakness and chose an unconventional strategy?
Their unconventional rural strategy centered on issues that aren't usually the focal point of Democratic campaigns, like taking vocational education and broadband technology to remote areas.
Doling out small loans is an unconventional strategy for a 36-year-old venture firm that has about $1.8 billion under management.
Arizona's unconventional strategy seemed to work.
Despite his unconventional strategies, he has consistently achieved high returns.
In the end, Fabio's unconventional strategy earned him the title of Sole Survivor by a vote of 5-4-0.
Aetna is also counting on this unconventional strategy to help its commercials stand out from the host of other insurance advertising.
With only a small broadcast range, the station used unconventional promotional strategies in an attempt to grow the brand.
Therefore, it was decided that new and unconventional strategies for protecting these military assets from a sneak-attack had to be developed.
Hers is a highly unconventional strategy for retail merchants, who are usually wary of alienating any shopper.