"Even if they can't cure, they can certainly help heal," he wrote of the unconventional therapies he tried.
And be sure to tell your doctor about any unconventional therapies you are pursuing.
Americans turn to unconventional medical therapies with surprising frequency and invest huge amounts of money in them, a national survey has found.
But Dr. Jacobs said he was disturbed by the survey's finding that 72 percent of those using unconventional therapies did not bother telling their doctor.
The relative has the right to pursue unconventional therapies, but you have an obligation not to abet behavior that would imperil her.
A Heilpraktiker is a person who is allowed to practice as a non-medical practitioner using any unconventional therapy he or she is trained in.
Holistic medicine is another commonly-used phrase to represent the collection of unconventional therapies.
Many people with asthma, like those with other chronic disorders, use alternative treatments; surveys show that roughly 50% use some form of unconventional therapy.
All the same, Americans spend an estimated $13.7 billion annually on "unconventional" therapies, from hands-on healing to homeopathy, aromatherapy and biofeedback.
He explained about Brendan's loss of faith and about the unconventional therapy that had included a week in a police patrol car.