Although the colonists cultivated wheat and vegetables, they did not produce enough for their needs or in time; their biggest handicap was the uncooperative weather of Texas.
They have sought to come up with grapes that can produce well in Germany's short growing season and frequently uncooperative weather.
Mr. Lindelof said he welcomed the chance to unleash his imagination without regard to the budget overruns, recalcitrant actors and uncooperative weather.
Then there was the dirt that couldn't be dug, and uncooperative weather (of course).
The tent was a new feature, a concession made after last year's uncooperative weather.
But at least the race was completed, a feat in itself, given that there have been 15 matches postponed because of uncooperative weather in the defenders' trials.
While the team was able to scour the Yellow Band, the combination of a small team and uncooperative weather eliminated most chances of a major discovery.
But they came, determined to live out the countercultural fantasy despite uncooperative weather and crisis-level shortages of food, water and toilets.
In 1931, Beebe and Barton's Bathysphere dives were interrupted for a year due to technical problems and uncooperative weather.
Federer will be favored again Sunday (assuming that Wimbledon's uncooperative weather permits the match to be played).