Early archaeology was largely an attempt to uncover spectacular artifacts and features, or to explore vast and mysterious abandoned cities.
The seasonal excavations have uncovered rare artifacts, such as a 1730s Jesuit religious medallion, one of only two found in North America.
The amateur group used a scraper pulled by a mule to uncover artifacts, including animal and human bones, and shards of pottery.
Later expeditions by Laughlin during the 1950s and 1960s uncovered more artifacts and a series of four expeditions in 1970-1974 unearthed the village site.
Between 1953 and 1956, Roland de Vaux led four more archaeological expeditions in the area to uncover scrolls and artifacts.
There were also delays when archaeological excavations uncovered important artifacts dating from Roman, Saxon and medieval times.
Further research in this area may well uncover artifacts associated with this production left behind, and "recovered" by souvenir hunters at the various outdoor locations used.
Danny A video game lover, his dad is an archaeologist who uncovers artifacts for the Double Dragons.
Here he pursues a quest to uncover certain artifacts which will allow him freedom to confront King Silverskin and to return to his home world.
But the record-low water levels, caused by drought, have uncovered coffins and artifacts, evidence that the promise was broken.