One morning, a rider came from Scathfell, and when he was welcomed in the courtyard, uncovered a cage before him on the saddle.
This last scandal was uncovered only a week before the 1987 stock market crash.
I moved to the side of the table and uncovered the dishes before him.
According to what Jonas uncovered shortly before his death, the leaks go back much farther than that.
"So had I. I never thought anyone could have uncovered the room just before this one."
Agents from the Soviet Union uncovered the plot before its inception and the mission was never launched.
Can Ender uncover the truth before another species and more human lives are lost?
The Shadow wheeled; his guns uncovered the two men before him.
Indeed, the main technical problem uncovered before the game was that the giant refrigeration system made the ice too cold.
I would uncover my head and kneel before his tomb".