So the hidden box is kind of a shortcut to uncover emotional problems?
Consider going along for the first ride to enhance the person's comfort, uncover possible problems and suggest solutions.
The purpose is to train crews and uncover problems.
Only thus can it make discoveries, uncover problems and create something new.
He said, "we have uncovered problems in our own operation and dealt with those ourselves."
The report recommended a new, better-calibrated math test, but uncovered several other problems as well.
He noted that even in successful tests, the Pentagon has uncovered problems following more detailed analysis of data.
Inspectors said they uncovered serious problems at 28 homes, including fire and safety hazards in 20.
A Washington Post article uncovered other, much more serious, problems.
But he also said the bureau needed money to create internal monitoring so that it no longer relied on outside investigators to uncover problems.