The uncovered face was like old ivory.
The boy suddenly stiffened as he realized that, for the first time in his life, strangers had seen his uncovered face.
Then the men noticed uncovered female faces and turned back.
Hradec, still fighting free of a silver-legged dream, stared around and saw only one familiar uncovered face.
He could see The Shadow's uncovered face in the glare of the searchlight.
If a woman looks upon your uncovered face, remember that she dies--not nicely.
But the woman who came with uncovered face to the door was the widow of the mason who had built his strong-room.
To others, it's a woman with an uncovered face.
That is why posters of the uncovered faces of Indian starlets draw eager stares from men as they pass by on the street.
Seeing this I also crouched upon the floor and hid my face, for it is death to hear that Word with an uncovered face.