The star-man made an ideal, uncritical audience for a shy boy, just beginning to express himself.
A plea by Mr. Gorbachev yesterday for Western credits to help Moscow buy raw materials and develop private industry is assured an uncritical political audience in Continental Europe.
Saturday night after Saturday night in the 1960's, lapping up applause from adoring and uncritical audiences in "the sun-and-fun capital of the world," he went through his shtik, bellowing "How sweet it is!"
"It finally struck me that if I could find some captive - and uncritical - audiences, I could indulge myself a little more."
However, by being able to present such a dance before a sympathetic, but not necessarily uncritical, audience, Ms. Carlson may gain a sense of the strengths and weaknesses of her work in progress.
With his popularity ratings still at an all-time low, Mr. Bush seemed grateful today for an uncritical audience.
It was a woodwind part of austere and unwavering beauty, and he was the uncritical audience, one set of hands clapping when he took the time to occupy his seat.
"You're a remarkably uncritical audience," she replied.
For Orwell, the success of political jargon and euphemism required an uncritical or even unthinking audience: a "reduced state of consciousness," as he put it, was "favorable to political conformity."
While Mike and I sadly withdrew our deposits, the new Beetle found an enthusiastic and largely uncritical audience.