One sports utility vehicle after another climbed the steep hills that led from the meeting site, an uncultivated field.
The land was far away from Delhi city as it existed then and initially resembled a jungle with trees and uncultivated fields.
It is found especially in prairies, at the side of roads and in uncultivated fields.
Anhui has ample uncultivated fields and forests, so the wild herbs used in the region's cuisine are readily available.
In his memoir he recalled a family who had "returned to the land in much the same way as uncultivated fields return to the wilderness."
She started attending a prayer group and decided she would start a shrine in an uncultivated field by the road that she and her husband owned.
Tennis, volleyball and badminton are also played in schools, uncultivated fields.
They may be roads, uncultivated fields, or anything that separates two fields without actively hindering the drift of pollen.
They feed on insects mainly beetles, crickets and grasshoppers picked up from the ground in stubbly or uncultivated fields.
Because of the adults primary food they tend to stay in uncultivated fields and meadows.