On June 17, 1835, he ordered the sale of uncultivated lands at public auction.
This significant drop in uncultivated land does not give the land enough time to return to its natural condition.
The program greatly reduced the amount of idle, uncultivated land.
My friend uses this uncultivated land for a cross-country ski trail.
It is allowed to put up a tent on any uncultivated land for a night or two.
There is a lot of uncultivated land and pasture on the sunny side, which was used in earlier times for hayfields.
Families were able to turn barren uncultivated land into thriving farms through hard work ethic and by running a family economy.
Most important was the presence of uncultivated arable land.
There have been two major famines on the continent in the last 12 years, and much of Africa's uncultivated land is marginal at best.
Some of them are large areas of brown, uncultivated land.