You see, we found two packages of uncut heroin.
At the consuming end, the cost of a pound of uncut heroin in Europe or the United States can exceed $40,000.
Do you think any ordinary street pusher would have access to uncut heroin in the quantities she needed?
How would you like fifteen kilos of uncut heroin, as well?
What better place to dump one hundred and thirty tons of uncut heroin.
But these guys weren't dealing in uncut heroin or grenade launchers or nuclear devices.
Several million dollars' worth of uncut heroin was being guarded on one of the police launches off the bow.
Captain, we legally searched your vessel, and we found uncut heroin.
She used uncut heroin in quantities that would have killed any normal user.
"There's about to be someone trying to unload about twenty-five pounds of uncut white heroin at fire-sale prices."