But the agency's twice yearly inspections failed to uncover the truth in Iraq because most of Mr. Hussein's bomb research was under way at undeclared sites.
Iraqi Case a First Although the agency already has the authority to undertake special inspections, it had never made them on undeclared sites before the Iraqi case.
That followed a US-led campaign to force the North to allow full international inspection of it's nuclear facilities, including two undeclared sites.
True, North Korea has not yet agreed to admit inspectors to two suspected but undeclared nuclear sites.
Several inspections have taken place at declared and undeclared sites in relation to mobile production facilities.
I hope that we shall succeed in doing that, especially with regard to special inspections of previously undeclared sites.
But his greatest concern was for the two undeclared sites.
The site was under investigation by the International Atomic Energy Agency as a potential undeclared nuclear site.
Inspectors declare North Korea has violated its obligation to open undeclared sites.
February: Agrees to procedures but delays inspectors' visas and continues to bar inspectors from undeclared sites.