Satan has shown use of various undefined powers throughout the series.
Devilance also has many undefined powers that enable his body to adjust to and undo the effects of various kinds of weaponry or super powers used against him.
His undefined powers come from the Zone Patch, a purple circle in the palm of his right hand.
Ultimately, the problem is not that the commissioner has too much power, but that he has too much undefined power.
The commissioner's action was yet another example of a sports administrator's judgment being blurred by undefined power.
Still, genetics was an uncertain science, the gambling dice of a higher, undefined power.
As the Head of Opsus, Ali was the head of an extraconstitutional agency which had broad and undefined powers.
Mysteria, through some undefined power, can release a thick mist around herself, which lacks any oxygen, leaving her opponents confused and panicking.
John Okello reserved for himself the title of "Field Marshal", a position with undefined power.
So when he was sent a signal from the undefined powers that ruled the universe, he obeyed.