On September 1, 2008, it was announced Westhoff would return to the Jets' sideline for the 2008 season in an undefined role.
However, they did not make any conclusions regarding the specific function of DNA as hereditary material, and only said that it must have some undefined role.
That may be shortsightedness, which can only be improved by a clarifying exposition of America's new, still undefined role in foreign conflicts.
The senior adviser has a relatively undefined role as a coordinator of such special initiatives as welfare reform.
Now Contreras returns to an undefined role.
The manager left Curtis's role somewhat undefined, and Curtis was somewhat disappointed.
The Bush administration adopted this approach, although its emerging new strategy envisioned some yet undefined further role for the military in addressing the problem.
We're flirting with each other" over some undefined role he might play at the station," Mr. Hewitt said.
To Damon's mind, this leaves Sipsop with something of an undefined role.
Throughout the series, this species play an important, though often undefined role.