Instead, perhaps those who voted for term limits will now recognize their undemocratic nature and vote to repeal them.
I am, by instinct, a socialist (small "s") but understand the fundamentally undemocratic nature of the EU.
His appointment was, however, opposed by sections of the influential student movement which objected to the "undemocratic" nature of the arrangement.
Even as we cooperate with Beijing, the stratagems of the Chinese state periodically remind us of its undemocratic nature.
Their undemocratic nature cannot be denied; they are also immoral.
The solution to corporatization, with the undemocratic nature of corporate structures, was to increase campus democracy.
Whilst it has to be admitted that the present system of finance works, it meets with criticism quite apart from its undemocratic nature.
- Nobody here can doubt the undemocratic nature of Mr Lukashenko's government.
The undemocratic nature of its elections can be freely criticised in the western media because the country has no oil.
But I have a further and fundamental objection to this Single Currency and that is its undemocratic nature.