Nevertheless, this seemingly undemocratic practice has a role to play in our democracy.
Yet when attempts are made each year to enact such changes, these very same undemocratic practices are used to block reform.
Wednesday's report notes the progress Turkey has made in reforming its institutions and curbing undemocratic practices.
We don't see any condemnation from Israel or the Americans of undemocratic practices.
Torture, massacres, repression, undemocratic practices: this is what we Arabs have become known for.
It's 2011: time to abandon these outmoded and undemocratic practices.
A spokesman for Islamic businesses, Serdar Cam, called the boycott "an undemocratic practice that will further polarize the country."
I'm not saying that there have been markedly undemocratic or antidemocratic practices.
Florida is notorious for running elections badly, but its new governor is trying to fix one of the state's most unjust and undemocratic practices.
The Government is accused of undemocratic practices toward opponents, particularly in connection with the presidential election last May and mob attacks on opponents in June.