Perhaps this case might persuade doubters that the UK is an undemocratic state.
Most domestic and international observers consider his regime to be one of the most corrupt, ethnocentric, oppressive and undemocratic states in the world.
But in America, unlike the undemocratic states of the world, one's right to exist does not depend on a "national interest" test.
Most immediately, the rush of outside diplomats seems likely to spark a familiar debate over how best to deal with undemocratic states: isolation or engagement.
Is one now only a democrat if one refuses to acknowledge the existence of undemocratic states?
Twelve years have passed, but the undemocratic, human-rights-abusing, one-party states have not changed much at all, and neither has Western support for them.
The other 23 despotic and undemocratic states, with appalling human rights records, that voted against UN 46/86, are Islamic.
Disputes between democratic states are significantly shorter than disputes involving at least one undemocratic state.
Bangladesh is not a democratic state, but of course the world is full of undemocratic states and violations of democracy.
What are the bricks and mortar for building democratic institutions in undemocratic states?