And there are undeniable political benefits to his fight for workers.
Thus, as we move inexorably into the world of high technology and control by computer, the undeniable benefits will not come cheaply.
At the same time, he recognized that the fact of these schools' existence was an undeniable benefit to the community.
It's a disillusioning view, but so far it has yielded undeniable benefits.
Writing courses and seminars do offer at least one undeniable benefit: in them, the desire to write fiction or poetry is taken seriously.
But if all that seems reasonable to you, there is one undeniable benefit: a very nice price.
In financial terms, the housing provides one undeniable benefit to colleges: less property damage.
These open-air markets provide many undeniable social, cultural and economic benefits.
Development has brought some undeniable benefits to the 2,500 people there, most of them Crees.
Even so, the shakeout in the European hotel industry bestows undeniable benefits on American travelers.