However, they have much less liberty to use the facilities compared with the other personnel not under training.
A Deck cadet is an officer under training in much the same way as in a military context.
The target's movement parameters can be adapted to the progressive skill level of the operator under training.
The minister said the program would be administered under strict conditions and training.
But stand awhile, and populate it with a ship's crew under training.
It was found that the Alzheimer's patients performed better on the task when learning occurred under constant training as opposed to variable.
"now close your eyes 'cause you're under training."
The university started in 2004 and has five batches of 160 students each, currently under training.
A new recruit under training was known as a tiro, and received half-pay.
From the cradle to the grave, during all his waking hours, the human being is under training.