The first king (Louis I) died young in 1803, and his underage son Charles Louis succeeded him.
After her husband's death she ruled the principality as a regent for her underage sons.
Wartislaw, however, died in 1326 and left three underage sons.
Pension for sons of ex-presidents until they come of age, should a president or former president die leaving an underage son.
The two still underage sons also married into the House of Ascania in 1386.
From 1704 to 1715, she was regent of Anhalt-Köthen for her underage son.
His widow took up the regency and guardianship for her underage sons.
Wenceslaus I died on 2 June 1364 leaving four underage sons.
Queen Dowager Mariam then returned to prominence and became a regent for his underage son.
His underage son was sent to an orphanage to be brought up as Russian with no knowledge of his own past.