Then one day an Israeli undercover unit dressed as Arabs caught him and some other teenagers.
When the undercover unit arrived, they had already left.
And an undercover unit followed you to the rental lot.
The undercover unit that was following you took some pictures before he jumped the fence, but they don't show much.
No front bench spokesperson from either the government or opposition has said anything about undercover units infiltrating political groups.
He said his brother had heard undercover units were operating in the city and had gone to investigate when he was shot down.
Witnesses have been allowed to testify in disguise and under false names because they are part of an undercover unit.
The army has done so previously by using undercover units to abduct or kill them.
Yet discussion of the undercover units is not new; they have been in operation almost three years.
The existence of the undercover units "is known to large numbers of Israelis, not just the press, but also people doing military service," he added.