Where a muscle takes approximately 35 weeks to fully adapt itself, cartilage only undergoes 75% adaptation in 2 years.
Most of this adaptability depends upon cultural invention but, in a limited fashion, Homo also seems to undergo quite rapid genetic adaptation to specialized local conditions.
But these better methods will not become standard across Iraq unless the president himself encourages the military to undergo strategic adaptation.
Several animal groups have undergone aquatic adaptation, going from being purely terrestrial animals to living at least part of the time in water.
The bicycle has undergone continual adaptation and improvement since its inception.
It is unclear whether our lips have undergone more recent adaptation to the specific requirements of speech.
Placing a human mind into the core of such a vessel is simple enough, but its psychology must undergo considerable adaptation to be comfortable with such a body.
While their origins can be traced elsewhere, these building types underwent significant local adaptation and modification before spreading regionally.
Palazzo Madama and the adjacent buildings underwent further restructuring and adaptation in the first decades of the 20th century.
The curriculum and offerings at the academy continue to undergo change and adaptation.