But St. Augustine and others in the hierarchy held that serious sinners should get one chance at forgiveness, if they underwent extreme penance and public humiliation.
(5) A bhikkhuni who has broken any of the vows of respect must undergo penance for half a month under both Sanghas...
For forty days, they underwent penance.
However, there is no undisputed evidence of her renouncing devotion to letters, though there are documents showing her agreeing to undergo penance.
Egwene wished she knew why Alviarin was undergoing penance, if it was an imposed penance.
The King underwent many severe austerities and penance to please Vishnu to get a son like Vishnu.
Subjectively the man was undergoing self-determined penance.
The tree is believed to be the spot where Morya Gosavi underwent penance.
Subjectively the man was undergoing stringent penance.
Paul, Pierre and Hughes were the first to undergo penance for their peccancies.