The south porch of the church is late 14th century but has undergone restoration work in 1896.
The national park is undergoing extensive work and research in trying to save the remaining trees, but has so far had little success.
It was to be operational in time for the 2011 season, but is still undergoing restoration work.
Starting in 2011, the station is undergoing extensive restoration work.
The fort and tower underwent restoration work from 1974 to 1980.
It is now fully sealed, having undergone extensive work between 2002 and 2008.
The hospital has undergone extensive work regarding its size and layout.
Between 2001 and 2005, as a response to its declining state of conservation, the power station underwent restoration work.
The Georgian buildings at the front of the school have also recently undergone restoration work.
The exterior facade of the building underwent restoration work in 2010.