Using their torches the five separated, Timmy keeping close to George, not seeming in the least surprised at this underground adventure.
Rome's other great underground adventure lies out near the Appia Antica, to the southeast of town.
I guarantee kids will be delighted by these underground adventures.
Lily's underground adventures make up "The Magic MetroCard," by Cathrine Goldstein and Gwen Brownson.
It was sheer madness that impelled and guided me - if, indeed, my whole underground adventure was not - as I hope - a hellish delusion or phase of dreaming.
But he's never found a better subject, than Alice's underground adventures.
The Dungeoneer's Survival Guide describes the running of underground adventures in great detail, and includes special rules for movement, combat, mining, and skill proficiencies.
The Dungeoneer's Survival Guide includes new proficiencies, as well as ideas for the creation of underground adventures.
The three-part Exile series of underground adventures.
Here, you quite realistically get flying piranhas and a T-Rex snapping at - and drooling on - you as the underground adventure unfolds.