This allows for any underground injection related to hydraulic fracturing as long as it is not diesel fuel, even if it jeopardizes potential drinking water sources.
Disposal options for flowback include discharge into surface water or underground injection.
Your query returns facility information, as well as chemical reports, which tabulate air emissions, surface water discharges, releases to land, underground injections, and transfers to off-site locations.
Under the Act, EPA also establishes minimum standards for state programs to protect underground sources of drinking water from endangerment by underground injection of fluids.
These fluids, commonly known as produced water, should be managed by underground injection, wastewater treatment and discharge, or recycling to fracture future wells.
Injectate - The fluids injected into an underground injection well.
We look at one of the more fashionable alternatives, underground injection.
This section also addresses how underground injection can endanger USDWs.
I asked which chemicals have been licensed for underground injection by gas fracking operations in the UK.
For example, waste water from oil and gas production and carbon dioxide from a variety of industrial processes may be managed through underground injection.