His grandfather was an underground miner, until contracting silicosis, after which he worked as a handyman and on government public works.
The underground miners can attest to spectacular massive sulphides seen at the working faces.
On 5 August 2010, an underground miner at the mine was found dead at a new escape rise.
As for the underground miners, they were soon rounded up by a most formidable posse of police.
It is estimated that in 1989 there were some 40,000-50,000 mine workers (including both actual underground miners and auxiliary workers).
This is because estimates of radon risks are based on data from human studies (underground miners).
MIM immediately fired 230 underground miners and locked out the rest.
For radon, we have animal data as well as human health data from more than 40,000 underground miners.
The 1908 Act currently limits the shift length for underground miners to seven and a half hours.
This equipment, combined with the closed workspace that underground miners work in, can cause hearing loss.