Deep into the ground the beam bored; flood, fire, and explosion following in its wake as the mazes of underground piping disappeared.
There is a pool which is supplied with the hot spring water with underground piping.
This is because of warnings that the nearby problem with unstable landfill and underground piping may be spreading to as many as 4,000 additional houses.
The underground piping used comes with a 25- to 50-year warranty, and the pumps themselves typically last 20 years or longer.
"You're not thinking of invading the aerie through the underground piping?"
These homeowners pay for the underground piping that supplies their heat, but receive the heat reliably and at a low price.
They are installed outdoors, some distance from the house, and connected to a heat exchanger in the house using underground piping.
Permafrost keeps the ground frozen year-round in some villages and a high water table and poor soils also make underground piping impractical.
Many larger cities have a district heating system that provides, through underground piping, publicly available steam and chilled water.
- Immediate replacement of storage tanks as well as, underground piping facilities was done to avoid any more disaster.