Males over 50 years are particularly at risk, especially if they drink or smoke, and have an underlying illness or are immuno-suppressed through any medication.
Most women with RVVC have no underlying medical illness that would predispose them to recurrent Candida infections.
And, oh yes, there was no need for any particular commotion, no need to discuss the untidy details of her underlying illness or current infection.
Related malnutrition syndromes are kwashiorkor and marasmus, although these do not always have an underlying causative illness; they are most often symptomatic of severe malnutrition.
At the end of the day, 11 patients survived their otherwise lethal conditions, and only one succumbed to her underlying illness.
Three have died, including two who had underlying illnesses.
Was this part of some underlying illness?
Instead, they take illicit drugs that activate their underlying illness.
Or was it an issue of who got vaccinated and the people who died had underlying illness that should have precluded vaccination?
It is caused by a loss of blood supply due to an underlying illness, injury, and/or infection.