There's an underlying logic to this collaboration that's been obvious to Presidents for over 30 years.
Yet it has an underlying logic, a hidden theory about music's tension between repetition and freedom.
Yet if the mood in fashion changed, its underlying logic remained immutable.
But for all the twists and turns, there is an underlying logic to the policy alignments.
But other analysts see an underlying logic, even if it does not conform to conventional investing theory.
Reasonable people can disagree about the effectiveness of the Administration's approach, but they should understand its overriding motivation and its underlying logic.
Events, often shocking, require an underlying logic so the mind can understand what the eyes cannot.
But analysts said the combination had an underlying logic.
At some point this cease-fire will break down, but its underlying logic won't go away so easily.
'There's some underlying logic to putting agrochemicals with them, though I don't think it's that strong.'