It calls itself "ecumenical" rather than "eclectic" because it is founded on the premise that there is an underlying unity to all schools.
This is hardly surprising, for the disciplines of the academic community have an underlying unity in open communication, which is what procedural rationality is all about.
It is a school of Vedanta philosophy which believes in all diversity subsuming to an underlying unity.
Advaita is a Sanskrit word meaning 'not two' and teaches that there is an underlying unity of consciousness which upholds the whole of creation.
The courses are based on the Hindu philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, which sees an underlying unity in all things.
The second of this winter season's all-Balanchine programs from the New York City Ballet on Wednesday (the third if you count "The Nutcracker") had an underlying unity.
Somehow, though, it didn't dissolve into total chaos; there was an underlying unity about the man himself that, like a magnetic field, drew it all together.
The dandyish insouciance of Jack and Algernon, established early with Algernon's exchange with his manservant, betrays an underlying unity despite their differing attitudes.
But there is an underlying unity.
Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) argued that there is an underlying unity to the world, the soul or love, which has a counterpart in the realm of ideas.