More disturbing than any errors of fact, he said, was an outlook that would undermine NATO.
A section on European defense, undermining NATO with a controversy-averse "Partnership for Peace," invites debate.
Britain, France and West Germany all fear that a rapid erosion in U.S. troop strength could undermine NATO.
First test: would the U.S. treat the proposed independent European defense force as undermining NATO?
They insist, "We must seek to prevent the emergence of European-only security arrangements which would undermine NATO."
European leaders on Friday discussed ways to deepen Europe's combined defense, but sought to assuage American concerns that such plans would undermine NATO.
These predictions bolster the Serbs' morale while undermining NATO's.
On Iraq, the damage to transatlantic relations arising from the 'gang of four' summit, attended by Germany, France, Belgium and Luxembourg, also severely undermined NATO.
The wording caused a fierce reaction in Britain, where the conservative opposition has accused Prime Minister Tony Blair of acting to undermine NATO.
In Washington this week Germany's Helmut Kohl insisted that uniting Europe would not mean undermining NATO.