This would undermine the Democrats' current claim to a 50-50 power share with Republicans.
This undermines claims of a supply shortage that would allow a bubble to grow.
The inflammatory language at the trial and in the media undermine Egyptian claims that the men were not charged for their sexual orientation.
But the officials also conceded that such a move would undermine Japan's claim to be abiding by international trading rules.
In addition, it might undermine his own claim to sticking hard and fast to his convictions.
So the campaign undermines its own claim by presenting images of fulfillment that are linked with youth.
The poems are also intended to undermine the classicists' exclusive claim on antiquity.
Whether justified or not, this public perception is handicapping the Administration's efforts to reform the financial sector and undermining its claim to represent change.
Labour said the move - aimed at saving £1bn a year - undermined the coalition's claim to be a family-friendly government.
These facts suggest that in close elections, the results are a crapshoot, which would undermine the pundit's claim to expertise.